First Post
Welcome to Ms Constant's Advanced Studies Language Arts Class blog! Here is where we will be answering thought provoking questions and extending our class discussions. This assignment will be graded based on level of thought and effort.
A few things you need to remember when posting your comment:
Never use your real name, anyone else's name, or our location. You will provide me with a penname in class, and that is the name you must use to earn a grade. Do NOT share this name with anyone (parents excluded)! This is for your safety and peace of mind. Plus, you don't want others to be intimidated by you when they read your beyond-brilliant comments!
I have to approve all comments before they appear on the blog. Therefore, don't expect your comment to be posted right away, and don't type anything that will make me have gray hair and get frazzled. I will either make a comment to you in class or email you if you need to make a change in your comment and resubmit it to me. Therefore...
It is a good idea to always type and save your posts in Microsoft Word. When you submit your comment to me, it vanishes into cyberspace, and if you make embarrassing errors (using your name, for example) and I don't post your comment, you'll be able to make the neccessary changes without having to retype everything.
Read and comment on classmates' posts! Always address the person by their penname (so we all know who you're talking to) and be kind in your comment.
Do NOT repeat what another person has already said! (This is another reason to read others' comments). If someone 'takes the words right out of your mouth,' feel free to write that they did such, but make sure to ellaborate on what they said and add insight of your own. This is an exercise in thinking deeper, and no matter what, you CAN always think deeper and take ideas further!
Type your penname in "Name/URL" and just leave the URL blank.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Good Morning Advanced Studies!
The quote, "if they give u ruled paper write the other way", means to me that you brake the rules and you do things different. You are kind of like an against the grain kind of person. You don't stop at the limits. So basically you just don't do well with bounders. If you are this kind of person than you don't follow directions. Paper has bounders and limits. There are blue lines that you must write inside of. There is also a red line that u must not write on the other side if. These bounders are set so that when u write a paper your work will look neat. Just like boundaries in life that are set.
Make sure you post your blogs under the right comment box.
I think that it means to go against the flow and resist choosing the popular decision.
Hello Everybody!!!
Hi everybody!Have a great day!
oogly boogly
sorry that it took so long
Hello there people of Advanced Studies! How are you? Good? Well that's good. K, enough with the small talk...
Alrighty tighty, I have a question, everybody keeps asking me what the difference between an alpacka and a llama is. Could you please tell me? Thank you! It's muhch appriciated. :)
The Llama is roughly twice the size of the Alpaca and the Llama has a very coarse outer coat over a softer inner coat as opposed to the alpaca which has a very fine, single coat. In addition, the Llama produces far less fiber per animal than the alpaca despite its much larger size. This is because the Alpaca was domesticated and carefully bred for over 5000 years as a luxury fiber producing animal. The Llama has been bred for the same amount of time as a pack carrying animal. The alpacas in the photo below are recently shorn but you can see many photos of full-fleeced alpacas elsewhere on this website.
From time to time, I will hear people say that Alpacas have a nicer disposition than Llamas or vice versa. Neither of these statements is true. Both are very friendly, curious and easily trained and handled as long as they were not handled incorrectly by their previous owners.
The Llama and the Alpaca can interbreed and produce live offsping and those offspring are also fertile. There is no point in doing this on purpose however. The result of such a breeding would be an animal that was neither as strong as the true Llama nor would it have as nice a fleece as a true Alpaca.
hello all! yo! diggity dog!chocolate!
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