Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Quote- First Blog

"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way".
- Juan Ramon Jimenez

What do you think this quote means? Why do you believe the author used this as the opening quote of the book?


joe the plumber said...

I think this quote has many different meanings. I think that it means that you should do the unexpected. I also think this quote means you should look at things in different ways and see what you can see. One more way I think it could be defined is to be yourself and not just do things because everyone else is doing them. I think that he said this because if you do something other than what people expect you to do you will surprise them which might work to your advantage. I think that Juan meant that you should only follow this quote if it’s the right thing to do. I don’t think he meant you shouldn’t do what’s expected of you if it’s a responsibility of yours. But you could fulfill your responsibility in an unexpected way. I think that the author chose this quote because someone in his story is going to do something unexpected. I also think the author might have chosen this because he lives by this motto and it might be part of the reason his life has been a success.

ich heiβ Mountain Drew said...

To me, I think the quote means that you should be independent in all that you do and not to follow the crowd because it could get you into trouble. Reflecting yourself onto your friends and family and not some copy written plagiarized view from someone else is the point of this quote.

obediaisyohomegirl said...

I agree with joe the plumber. I think that this quote means that if everyone is given the same thing, then you have to do something to make that thing your own, to make it different from everyone else. Why the author put this quote to open the book in my opinion is because I think that each person will react different to having their books burned by the firemen. I also think that maybe each of said fireman have their own reasons for what they are doing. Maybe they all have their own opinion about what they are doing and why. I think that the quote tells you that you need to be different and have your own thoughts. I predict that the main charactor in this story will have his own idea of the book-burning and he/she will want to put it to a stop, no matter what anybody else thinks of his/her actions.

Ron Burgandy said...
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Ron Burgandy said...

Like Joe the Plumber said, I think that this quote means to be unique and to stand for what you believe in. Also to respect others by doing what they ask but still showing your point of view. Also I think it means that even if you aren't the most popular in what you decide as long as you believe it is true then stick with it. I think the quote, "What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular" - Unknown

Ron Burgandy said...

*to post above.

is similar to the quote by Juan Ramon Jimenez

spazz said...

I think the quote, "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way" means that when you are given a certain direction or rule that you should do something different or do it a different way. I think it means that when someone tells you what to do, or tries to get you to do something you shouldn't do exactly what they say you should do what you want to do.

cinnamon said...

I agree with what joe the plumber said. This quote can mean not following the crowd and doing what everyone else is. It can mean doing the right thing if no one else is. This quote can also mean just standing out and being yourself. Not everyone is always going to like you or what your doing, so this quote means being yourself if no one agrees with you. I think it is a good quote to start the book out with because it can be showing that in the book some one does something that no one else likes.

prettyhippo said...

I think this quote means that you should always be un-normal. You should also be yourself and never be normal. Also if you want you could be weird and crazy, but anything but normal. When you have acoplished that then you are expected to do the unexpected!

Spook said...
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MarkII said...
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Spook said...

I think that this quote means to do things differently than they are meant to be done. It also means to be a rebel when everyone else expects you to go with the flow. Also the author thinks you should be a unique person and do what you think you should do instead of what others think you should do. Of course it could also mean to write the other way when you get lined paper.

turbo411 said...

Like joe the plumber said, I think this quote means if someone wants you to do something that you know is not the right decision, you should say no and walk the other way. I also think this quote means to be yourself and not live your life the way someone else does. I think the author used this as the opening quote of his book because he wants his readers to know that no matter what a book, or someone else says, you should always make your own decision and be who you are. I think he also wants his readers to know that he does not want them to take this story and reenact it in real life.

Blue Squirrel said...

I think that the quote means to be yourself even under peer pressure. Also I think it means to follow your own rules, and everybody has different values. I also agree with Joe the plumber on you should look at things in different ways to. Mostly I think it means to be yourself

MarkII said...

I agree with Spook because if the paper is RULED then to write on the other side would be to go apart from the rules and do your own thing. I think it relates to the book because the author kind of stepped outside the lines because who writes books about books burning. Seriously.

bloggingbaboon said...

I think this quote means you should try something new by doing it the way you want to do it rather than how you are asked to do it. I think this because when you have ruled paper, you usually write on the lines; if you write the other way, you are trying something new the way you want to do it. I believe the author used this as the opening quote of the book because people are beginning to live their lives without some knowledge and a source of entertainment in this story. For example, in Farenheit 451, I'm sure that some of the books belong to children who love to read. The children will probably start finding a way to keep their books. They will finally be able to have what they want and the way they want it by standing up for their beliefs.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote means to do something the way it isn't expected to be used. I think the author used this quote because the fire fighters in the story do the opposite they do now. They create fires instead of putting them out.

ich heiβ Mountain Drew said...

(an addon to my past entry)

From reflecting on the past blogs i have somewhat changed my view. This quote not only means to not follow what everybody else is doing, it also means within doing that you establish creativity. You can write a story based totally on facts, or you can run with that and add your own opinion and factual analysis (how you interpreted the facts set before you.) Not only is it good to get the stuff (homework, essay, personal writings) done, its also good to put a little bit of yourself so to speak inside of it and not to follow the exact way to do it.

peacebabe said...

I think that this quote means that you need to be yourself and that nobody has the right to tell you what to do. If everyone followed the rules like they were supposed to, we would be like robots. Like in the book, the firefighters aren`t supposed to burn the books but they do anyway. Just be you and do your own thing and hope that nobody follows!

monkeygurlee88 said...

I am not for sure if anyone has posted this but I have skimmed through the most of the comments. I believe that the quote means to do what your heart desires, even if it is extremely different than the world. Never change what you believe, unless you are positive. I have done my hair ways a lot of people thought were weird but I did what I thought looked good. This quote can be taken many different ways. I also think it means to be the one to stand out. If you were in a crowd of a million people, be the one that everybody wants to see. I like bright clothing. I like to be extraordinary and crazy. In dance you have to express yourself, not anyone else. Be that one in the million that gets a full ride to a private college or school. Be that dancer that gets to go on So You Think You Can Dance? Be the one that is owns the multi-million-dollar company. I don’t know about you, but someday, just one day I would like to be the one that is talked about for good reasons. Another thing is to be the one person that steps out of their comfort zone to do the right thing. I think the author wanted to give a clue that one person in this story will step out of the ordinary box and tell someone the truth. I can be the one to tell my friends not to start rumors because it is extremely rude. I am really glad the author put this quote in the book because I have just been inspired to always do what my heart desires, get my dreams and do what’s right.

Ms. Constant said...

Great comments guys! Sorry about the glitch in the blog! Keep working hard. We will get this going together!

Anonymous said...

I very much agree with joe the plumber. I believe that this quote means that you should always be yourself and if you're not following others' footsteps, that's okay. I think that you need to be your own person and not let others sway what you are thinking. However, this does not mean you should not try to understand their point of view and then make your own choices.

I think that when the author used this at the beginning of his story, he used it to make a point. I think that he was trying to tell us that his book would be very different from other books, even ones about the same topic. I also think that the author was trying to get us to think and was preparing us for the story. That is why I can draw the conclusion that the story will make you think, as I believe all great novels make you do.

Anonymous said...

I think it is saying that if someone gives you something to do put your own personal twist on it or make it more presonalized! easy to say I agree with joe the plumber. I was thinging about my comment then I read back through joe's and realized he covered all I was going to talk about! I cant wait to start reading the book!

Anonymous said...

I take this quote to say to be yourself, even when others want you to be in the crowd. If you have your own ideas you should make use of them. It doesn’t necessarily mean to go out on a whim or to not follow the law. You could have a little imagination with your ideas just not completely crazy. You shouldn’t normal either because no one is normal, be unique in your own way.

Anonymous said...

I think this quote means that if someone fighters will burn all of the books. I think the author used this as the opening quote of the book because the fire fighters did what all the people didn't believe in. That is what I think the qoute means and why the author choose this as the opening quote.tells you to do something your way do it the opposite. I think this because if people like to read then the fire fighters will do the opposite. That is what I think the quote means and why it is the first quote in the book.

Anonymous said...

i tottaly agree with cardsfan. you could not be more right.

Anonymous said...

There are many different choices and paths to chose from. Someone might try to steer you the wrong way, but choose the right path not the wrong. It is your decision

Anonymous said...

I think that this quote means that it's okay if you're different. If you think about something a different way or if you do something in a different way that's perfectly okay. I think the author used this quote to open the book because it's a good thing to learn in life.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think this quote mean sometimes when you're given rules you need to bend them and use them to fit your needs and beliefs.

Anonymous said...

This quote is a really good moral to live by. Mainly for the what the theme of it is. It really means, dont let rules and restrictions hold you back. Go forth and break down the barriers, let your self go. Don't worry whats right and whats wrong let your heart and soul flow out into everything you do, esspecialy your writing. I also do belive that you dont need to take this too far though. If you take this too far you could become a rebel, and that is not good for any party. This could also mean doing the unexpected, "living on the edge" as some say. You pretty much are opening up to the world that might feel a bit akward but is deffinatly worthit in the long run.

Anonymous said...

"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way".
- Juan Ramon Jimenez

I believe that this quote is referring to the way you spend your life living. Whether you go by "the rules" or not, it's up to you to decide your choices. To "write the other way" means to think of a different option on how you go about doing a specific task. You can either do it how the instructions lead you, or find a new abstract way to come upon a solution. This is the collection of my thoughts on this quote.

Anonymous said...

I think that the quote means that some silly things are meant to b broken. Although it doesn’t mean that you should break rules. I think he put the quote for the starter of the book is because, in this book firefighters set fire to books instead of containing fires.

Anonymous said...

I think that, "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way" means (just like MANY other ppl said...) people shouldn't do something, just because everyone else is doing it! You should think outside the box! I think the author used this as an opening quote for the book to make you think that, the events in this book aren't going to be normal,orderly, and might not make a whole lot of sense at first.

Anonymous said...

I think this quote means to be unique and to stand out. Another quote it reminds me of is "when life gives you lemons make orange juice" (anonymous). That means to do things that no one expects. (Or do the unexpected in the words of Joe the plumber.) I think the reason for this quote in the beginning of the book is that it might apply to one of the stories characters. P.s. MU is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think this quote means be different from others. (example: writing on the ruled side of paper when handed ruled paper everyone writes on the ruled side you write on the other side). I also agree with Joe the plumber's comment about being unpredictable. I think the author chose this because possibly in the book they write on the other side of the paper. Also I think no one to write a book about something like this and that is kind of what the quote means, because no one would expect you to write on the other side of ruled paper.

Anonymous said...

i agree with a few other comments that were posted. i think what this dude is trying to say is be who you want to be and dont care what other people think of you. for example, this guy felt like writting backwards on his paper and didnt care what other people thought of him, he just wanted to do what he wanted and be himself, and didnt care what others did

Anonymous said...

To me that quote means you shouldn't live in someone else's shadow, you should fallow you're own path. Or instead of following the crowd you should do your own thing like totally and extremily different from eveyone else.

Anonymous said...

I agree but it also means you need to have your OWN personality and don't live by how everyone wants you to but still stay in the boundries. You should also live life have fun and express yourself in evey thing you do no matter what others say or if you might get picked on. Just don't worry what others think of you. (P.S. sorry it took me so long to post again I got busy doing something else.)

Anonymous said...

To me, this quote means that no one can tell you what to do. It means that you can be as unique and creative as you want. You can live your life however you want to live, make your decisions, and choose what is wrong and what is right for you. I think that Ray Bradbury chose this quote because the main focus is being unique. This is also what Ron Burgandy and Joe the plumber said. I have to agree with them on this one because in my opinion, Ray Bradbury was trying to think different and be creative. Another thing is that the term ruled paper in my opinion represents boundaries or a box. Also writing the way, I think means thinking outside of the box. I think this because the author writes about something that is weird, different, and overall outgoing. That is what I think about this quote.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote means that you should be who you are and not have other people tell you who to be.Also I think it means to that no one person is alike because each person has their own specail talent.

Anonymous said...

Ms.Constant I changed my name from Bob the Builder Person to Bob the Builder

Anonymous said...

I understand that my last comment was posted onto the wrong page.
Right under the "post your comment on the right page" comment. So, here it is again.

I think that it means to go against the flow and resist choosing the popular decision.

Anonymous said...

yeah thats true i totally agree with bob the builder.

Anonymous said...

I also believe this is similar to the poem
"...Two roads diverge in a yellow wood and I took the one less traveled by." -Jack Frost

Anonymous said...

Dear Reader,
I looked up ruled paper. It is basically notebook paper. Other than relieving my confusion, this has given me an opportunity to open up some new ideas. This comment could mean many things. I will try to type everything that came to my mind as I thought this assignment over. As I posted earlier (twice), means to move against the flow. Imagine if everybody in New York City was walking the same way. Nobody would reach their destination. Instead, they would all be crammed up in the same neighboorhood. To reiterate, if everybody did the same:
1)nobody would get where or what they want to go or have
2)everybody would eventually get crammed into the same, often bad situation.
in summary...
Quirky=Happy (most of the time)
You could be in a different situation. Imagine if everybody took a path that promised mild happiness. What if I want to take a path that leads to a more promising end? The problem is, if such a path was known, everybody would take it. What do Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King, and Christopher Columbus have in common? They were all men trying to lead honest people away from their mediocre lives to discover a whole new view, a whole new way of life. Christopher Columbus founded America. He died rich ond now has his own holiday. Martin Luther King united a nation and won equal rights for millions of people who had never done anything wrong. He has his own holiday. Jesus opened the gates of heaven to lead people from an eternity of pain to land where one is happy for all time. On top of having his own 2 renowned holidays-one for his birth and one for his death-there are holidays for his baptism, the days before and after the day he was killed, even one for the day thet he went into a desert for forty days. Even his mother and friends got holidays. But the point is that nothing was achieved by going with the flow. The people we look up to are the people who said, "I am tired of the same" or "I think that this needs to happen, so I'm going to make it happen." Going back to the beginning, I think that the inspiring quotation (not quote) in the beginning of "Farenheit 451" could also have a meaning that I think few have scrapen the surface of. People have been talking about following crowds, but what if you have a special need, a special desire? Most movements (for example, the American Revolutionary War) were supported by a large number of people. What if you need a change? How do you get a breath of fresh air? How do I get my voice heard? This can be tough. This can be a tough one. Don't stop. Keep your own thoughts. Hold on until the bitter end. This is as far as my advice can get you. Remember, nothing worthwhile was ever acheived by sitting around. Now, I will stop before my post is a long ranting soliloquy (I just had to do that) like that of a person trying to look like joe the plumber, making a long, intellectual scramble of words. I hope you read all the way through my post and maybe learned from it. Goodbye until the next assignment!
Front Row Joe

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Front Row Joe although often times paths cross or join and people do take the same path or as you said "walk the same way". This poem relates to many poems like the one by Robert Frost (sorry about the mess up in my last post), but the one it reminds me of is Bit's and Piece's (you MUST look it up and read it). Anyways I think your assumption isn't intirely correct but is still true.

Anonymous said...

i agree with bob the builder. it does sound like robert frost. i dont think it reminds me that much of "Bits and Peices" though.i see where youre coming from though.great views!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a question to anyone who can answer. Is the girl named Clarisse some kind of spooky girl or something.

Anonymous said...

Mark 2-

I think that Clarisse is new in the neighbor hood, and she said she takes walks a lot. She could've been standing on the corner just waiting for someone to come, so she could ask someone questions about her new city. Clarisse also could've just been on one of her "usual" walks, and just happened to run into the fireman. So in my opinion, yes is a spooky, strange person, but there was a reason she was asking so many questions.

ich heiβ Mountain Drew said...

My new discussion blog *beta* is officially up and running the url is http://mountaindrew451.blogspot.com/ just copy and paste

it is monitored so please keep it clean and school appropriate

Lets hope ms. constant lets me continue


Ich HeiB mountain drew

Anonymous said...

who an answer or give an assumption as to why "what's her name is insane

ich heiβ Mountain Drew said...

to add to my last comment,

please keep your pen name it is important because like Ms. Constants blog it can still be viewed by other people


Ich HeiB Mountain Drew

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Like joe the plumber said, I think this quote means if someone wants you to do something that you know is not the right decision, you should say no and walk the other way. I also think this quote means to be yourself and not live your life the way someone else does. I think the author used this as the opening quote of his book because he wants his readers to know that no matter what a book, or someone else says, you should always make your own decision and be who you are. I think he also wants his readers to know that he does not want them to take this story and reenact it in real life.

Anonymous said...

I really agree with joe the plumber and turbo 411. But i also think it kind of means don't be like everyone else be different and be you. Yeah thats what I really think the quote means. I think the author chose this quote for the opening of the story because well coming from what i have read so far the main character seems to be Montag and Montag is beggining to change from everyone else and realize that his worl is insayne. I also think the author chose that quote as the beggining of the story because the quote its self is really strong or more so the message it holds is very strong and the author is probably tring to make this book so it's strong and he is trying to make it say something. So thats what I kind of think the author was meaning when he made that quote the beggining of the book.

Anonymous said...

I think that the quote "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way" means if they give you rules, be a rebel.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote means if someone tells you to do something dont do it, and do the exact opposite.