Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Part I Reflection

Post your reaction to Part I of Fahrenheit 451. Talk about questions you still have, how it made you feel, thoughts that may have come to you. Make your response thoughtful!


Anonymous said...

I thought that the first part of the book was somewhat confusing and I kind of understand it but why in the first part did Mildred's stomach have to get pumped out when she ate too much sleeping pills? Furthermore why was the first fireman Benjamin Franklin? Also why did Guy read?

Anonymous said...

I thought that the first part of the book was very confusing. I had to actually think about what I was reading and foreshadow alot!Farenheit 451 is a good book so far and I cant wait to keep reading and find out how Guy will deal with the loss of Clarisse.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so when i was reading Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451 i got really confused and flustered! The whole theme just confused me. First of all i was super angry when i found out that Clarisse died. It made me frusterated and confused. I didn't know for sure If she had died or not, yet now i know she did. Also i got confused when we were talking in class for i hadn't realized that Guy was reading until we talked about that in class. I still haven't figured out how he is keeping the books to himself without getting caught. I wonder if Mildred will catch him. Once again the whole Clarisse dying issue is really bothering me. I know who hit her by the car, but i still want to know why. She was one of the main characters so i thought it was really dumb that she died.
Another thing i find odd is that Guy's wife is insane! I still haven't figured hOk, so when i was reading Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451 i got really confused and flustered! The whole theme just confused me. First of all i was super angry when i found out that Clarisse died. It made me frusterated and confused. I didn't know for sure If she had died or not, yet now i know she did. Also i got confused when we were talking in class for i hadn't realized that Guy was reading until we talked about that in class. I still haven't figured out how he is keeping the books to himself without getting caught. I wonder if Mildred will catch him. Once again the whole Clarisse dying issue is really bothering me. I know who hit her by the car, but i still want to know why. She was one of the main characters so i thought it was really dumb that she died.
Another thing i find odd is that Guy's wife is insane! I still haven't figured her out yet, but she is really strange. I think she is going to be part of an event later in the book. This book really flusters me and makes me angry, though it is such a fascinating book. I am really anxious to find out what crazy thing happens next.

Anonymous said...

I also thoght that the first part of the book was confusing. Some of the scenes were really boring, but I got over it. One good thing about the book is that I am wanting to know what really happened to Clarrise! Sometimes I would really have to back and re-read what I had just read about 6 times. Altogether though, the book is ok. I just think some of the things that Ray Bradbury said might happen in the future didn't even come true. When we did the questions in our circle, the one about us not reading books, I have to say something that might not ever happen. I think that because of this book, it made me realize that Ray Bradbury's prediction about us not reading books anymore might be true more into the future. Like maybe our society will be more about TV and less about books. That is what I thought about part one in the book Fahrenheit 451!

Anonymous said...

I thought the first part was great. The omly problem I had with it was understanding the description. I thought The author was too descrptive, and why is everyone calling Mildred crazy? Ms. Constant please answer my question in your blog.

Anonymous said...

i think it is going to be one or those books that all your thoughts and questions fall together and are answered a the end. so far its a prety good book but confusing in some parts, i just dont understand why montag isnt suspisious about clarice's death, and does mildred know whos responsible?? :)

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the book so far. It makes me stop and think about the world. I feel like Clarisse talked to me instead of Montag. I think that her family kept their values no matter what the government said. I think at times the book is very boring. I also think the begining is very confusing. I still wonder why Mildred and Montag got married in the first place. It is really weird that they do not know how and when they met. I also wonder if they still have religion. My mind thinks alot. I still don't know why the government won't let them read. I think that is pointless.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved the first par of Fahrenheit 451! It was utterly amazing. I read the whole entire first part in one day. Most of my friends think it is completely boring so far, but I completely disagree with them. I am (as are many others) extremely angry that Clarisse died. It makes me so upset and I just want her to come back. I know if I lived in this book I probably would never read a forbidden book. I love reading, but I would never miss what I had never experienced. I would probably be completely oblivious to all the craziness around me. Blue squirrel, in the beginning Mildred’s stomach had to be pumped out so the sleeping pills could be taken out of her. If they were left in her she would have stayed completely dead because of the over dose of pills she took. Also, the first fireman was said to be Benjamin Franklin because the government is trying to make the people believe their lies. He wasn't really the first book burner; the government just told the people that. Finally, Guy read because he was curios to why the books were so bad and banned. Talking to Clarisse probably just made him want to read more because he probably guessed that she read. He knew she knew something he didn't and saw things differently than he and most of their society did.

Anonymous said...

After reading the 1st part of Farenhight 451 I was left half totally confused and the other half understanding what I had read. The beggining was kind of confusing because it didn't give you very many hints at all to what was going on in the book. Besides, it was all a little too descriptive. I got that the firemen were supposed to set fires instead of putting them out, but that was mostly because we talked about it in class before we started reading
the book. By the end of the 1st part I understood a lot more:

1. Montag's wife was crazy.
2. The government had taken all rights away from owning books in case people realized that they didn't like thier life and started to do something about it.
3. Clarisse had opened Montag's eyes to the real world.
4. And that Montag had, against the law, been reading.

I know that there's still much to learn about this book. I can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

.....Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to add. I have no idea what Montag and Beatty's argument in the last part of the book was all about! It's really bothering me and need to know fast!!

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with about everyone who's blogged yet that the first part of the book is very confusing. However, I also thought that it was very good.

I was really surprised at the end when Montag convinced Mildred to read with him. Maybe she isn't as crazy as I thought. Well, never mind that because I still think she is very crazy, but that was a very kind thing she did. Guy may have had to beg, but it was purely Mildred's choice not to turn her husband in.

I agree with thalia that the conversation Guy had with Beatty was very confusing. I understood some of it but I'm still not all the way there. Can anyone clarify?

I think that my favorite part of the book so far would have to be when Guy admits to Mildred that he reads and they begin reading. I think that it is very important that they find out the things that they are going to learn because it will help them in the long run. I'm not positive, but I do have a few ideas of how the story may end, (not that I am going to share them) and it is vital that Montag knows more about the world than he knows right now in all of them.

The part that I liked least was when Clarisse died. I really liked Clarisse and I was so sad that she had to leave the story. At first, I thought that she might not be dead, but Ms. Constant cleared that up for me. Thanks, Ms. Constant! I probably would have kept wishing and hoping that she would come back for the remainder of the story if it wasn't for that little hint.

Anonymous said...

When I was reading part one I got sort of confused. Like spazz said, I didn't know whether or not Clarisse had died or not until we talked about it in class. However, I wondered if she had just to a place where people had started to memorize books to write them down later.
Also I wondered (and kind of hoped)that Mildred would die. She was so crazy that she ate all of her sleeping pills and denied it later. I wondered if Montag would get sick of her just watching T.V. all day and leave her to her own devices. Then maybe she wouldn't want a fourth T.V. wall.
Another thing I didn't understand was why Montag being so paranoid about the Hound. If it didn't kill him when he touched it why would someone deliberatley set it to kill him? Will Montag kill the hound?
The lecture that Beaty gave Montag was another important part of the story. Beaty said "Every fireman gets an itch. What do the books we burn say. And to scratch that itch." Beaty also said that he had read a few books in his time, and that the books were nothing but nonsense about people who never lived. Has everybody really lost their imagination that much?
Also, I don't think that Montag should have showed the books he stashed to Mildred. I think that she is going to tell the firemen and get them both burned alive. However this isn't the way Montag sees it. Also, I wondered if when Montag said "Let's start over from the beginning," if he was reffering to their marrige and not only the book they were reading.

Anonymous said...

In the book Farenheit 451 was somewhat confusing and I kind of understand it.I also have a question that peacebabe had already said.

Anonymous said...

At first I was confused mainly because I read fast and sometimes didn't finish, but then I slowed down and started finishing the actual selection of reading. I still didn't get it. At first with him just getting home and the way the author described how Mildred looked I knew something was wrong even if I didn't understand the rest of it. That was a full pointer. Then I started asking questions and the book got more and more interesting with Clarisse and the Mechanical Hound and Montag having books and burning that lady that I just started paying more attention, plus the fact that I have a C+ in this class. I also have a question to anyone that can answer it. How does Montag feel now that Clarisse is dead, and does he know that Beatty hit her. Well, anyone who can answer, just answer. That pretty much sums it up though. The book's definitely getting more interesting and I'll enjoy reading it. :)

Anonymous said...

The first part of Farenheit 451 was confusing on so many parts!When Clarisse died it was kind of confusing because at first I was thinking that the government had something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

First off, Mark2, I have a thought about Mr. Beatty. Mrs. Constant had said that he eventually ends up the antagonist in Fahrenheit451, and his main job is to dispose of all books and individuality. Referring to an earlier comparison, Adolf Hitler burned books AND people for mainly the same reason. Maybe Mr. Beatty isn't so far off from that as well... But would he go that far?

Part one of Fahrenheit451, as many have noted, made you think. I wouldn't classify it as confusing exactly, it just made you use your brain a whole lot more than any usual book that a seventh grader might choose. To read this book you have to understand that the author, Ray Bradbury, lived in the 1950's. Therefore, he was only predicting what the future would be like.
In part one everything is, in my opinion, just being explained; Guy Montag, Mildred, how Clarisse opened up Guy's mind, the burning of books, and how the society comes together as a whole. I predict in part two, there will be much more happening because we have already been introduced to this new world.
The questions that remain for me are...

1. Why does Montag not want to figure more details concerning Clarisse’s death? Does he already suspect why she died... as in, the REAL reason she was killed, not "she was run over by a car" but was there some intention behind that driver's mind...? Who just HAPPENED to be Mr. Beatty...?

2. Is Mildred really crazy? (As I mentioned in class today...) It is possible that Mildred really isn't all that whacked out, maybe she just doesn't want to accept that life has really become this horrid. Maybe she grew up in a family like Clarisse’s, and she was a normal girl who had thoughts, but then the book burnings got worse and she just retreated into herself rather than accepting how things are. If that is true, she must have the worst case of denial.

3. What is Montag going to do about his book that he stole from the old woman's house? He now reads against the law, breaking the one rule that he lives to keep. I hope that he quits his job as a fireman. Though I think that if he does this, Mr. Beatty becomes more of the villain that I suspect him to be.

4. ...still wondering...

I can't wait to read section two to see if these questions are answered!

Anonymous said...

For me, the first part was pretty dang confusing. I still like this book but I hope I get to like it once I get more into it. There wa a number of things that confused me that I didn't get until you explained it in the discussion we had today. One of the things was the Aunts and Uncles. What? Of course I get it now thanks for explaining. Overall, I like this book as confusing as it may be, like I said I hope I get to like it more. I think that Bradbury is a great writer and I wish he would put his time in to making books for young adults or teenagers.

Anonymous said...

A question I have about the first part of farenheit 451 is did Guy read all of the books he saved? Also did Mildred really die? The first part of the book was interesting but a little hard to understand. I want to know if Guy will find the meaning of books. I also think Mildred is starting to come around because she seems to understand things a little more than she used to. It has been a good book so hard and can't wait to read and find out more.

Anonymous said...

I though the end of the part was going really fast. I though it was also kind of wierd that Beatty hasn't or we don't know if he has read any book.

Anonymous said...

I was very surprised at the end of this section when Montag told Mildred about all the books he had hid. I felt quite confused when I first started reading the book. I didn't understand what was going on, or why the firemen were burning the books in the first place. As I read on it all started to make more sense!
One thing still confuses me, why did the person who killed Clarisse, kill her? I mean, aren't there other people in that city who are just like her? Why Clarisse, why then?
I'm very anxious to see what Montag is going to do with all his books. He probably won't be able to burn them, without anyone noticing! I also wonder if Mildred will call the firemen and give her husband away!
I have one last question, since the houses were fireproof, did they have smoke detectors?

Anonymous said...

I thought the first part of Fahrenheit 451 was challenging, but very mysterious. What I mean is, every time I thought I had figured something out while reading it always changed. This book made me feel as if I was in a whole new world while reading. It also made me imagine how life would be like in Montag's time. I honestly believe that life would be difficult during Montag's time. I think this because you never actually learn anything in school, you aren't able to have Fiction books, and most importantly, your house would get burned if you had books. I also think this book is very confusing because the author words things very differently than we would today. I just wanted to add that my brother is reading this in his high school, and says that it isn't very easy to read. One of my questions is what was Beatty's and Montag's argument about? Also, at the end of part 1, I finally found the answer to my question, how many books does Montag have? The answer is he said he had some 20 books once he finished digging them out from behind the vent. I still have a question, and it is, why does Montag continue slapping Mildred in the face? Is it okay to do during his generation, or does he do it just because he wants her to stop and think? This book has got my mind going, and I think it is a great book to learn how to comprehend things better.

Anonymous said...

For part one of the book, I didn't really like reading it because I couldn't understand it. I didn't understand how the Hound could kill people, where the books were, and many more things. Though it was an interesting reading, it was still hard to comprehend what was going on because Ray Bradbury wrote this story in 1953. Since he wrote this story 55 years ago, it is hard to read this because their grammar was so different than our grammar today. These are some of the reasons I didn't like reading part one.
I have a lot of questions. For instance, when did Clarisse die? Even though they told how she passed on, they still didn't tell when she did. I agree with Blue Squirrel; how was the first firefighter Benjamin Franklin? I just wonder this because Bradbury should have known the history of him. Therefore, we know the history, so it doesn't make any sense to us. If someone can explain part one of the book to me, please tell me on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree with almost everyone when they say the first part of Fahrenheit 451 was really confusing! I never figured out that Guy was actually reading until the end of part 1. That really confused me because I thought Clarisse was the only one that was reading. It made me very mad when she died because I thought she was a main character and was going to change Guy's whole life in the book. Reading this book made me stop and think a little about how our world is today. Most of Ray Bradbury's ideas I think are totally insane because who would live in a world without books? The theme of the book is pretty far fetched so I'm having trouble getting into it. I also want to know why Beatty killed Clarisse. Overall part 1 of Fahrenheit 451 has really confused me.

Anonymous said...

I think the first of the book was hard to understand at times but overall kinda exciting. I still want to know if Clarrise actually died or not because I'm still unclear on how Mildred just forgot to tell him she was hit by a car. But then again she's practically crazy and might be still alive.

Anonymous said...

It could happen

Anonymous said...

I have many questions still about part one. One question is does Captain Beatty know Montag has a book? Also what book did Montag take from the old woman’s library? And does Mildred get crazier everyday, because it seems like she does? When is Montag going to read the book he stole? Part one was very confusing to me. Ray Bradbury used a lot of big words I didn’t know the meaning of, but the vocabulary cleared some of that up. I felt scared, because I didn’t know if Captain Beatty would tell on Montag or not. I felt sad Clariese was it by a car. This is what I feel about after reading part one

Anonymous said...

This has been a mildly confusing story so far, but the story is starting to cohere. But what is going on with the talk about war? Somebody please reply. I could write a long post like I did in the first blog, but there's nothing that i can really seem to put on. All of my other questions will probably be answered.

Anonymous said...

I thought that part 1 was very confusing. I think that the round discussions we had in class helped everybody understand the book more. I kind of think that Mildred is going to turn Guy in. And why did Mildred want so bad to fluff Guys pillow? Did she know? I also think that Beatty running over Clarisse was an accident. I know she was making Guy think and I bet that made Beatty mad, but I don’t think he would kill her.

Anonymous said...

I think that the first part was pretty good. I can’t wait for what the second part has in store for us. I really hope that Guy doesn’t get caught by the firefighters because he has the books, I really don’t want Guy to have to deal with the HOUND.

Anonymous said...

I think that the first part was pretty good. I can’t wait for what the second part has in store for us. I really hope that Guy doesn’t get caught by the firefighters because he has the books, I really don’t want Guy to have to deal with the HOUND.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was really confusing at first but once you got to page 40 or so everything started to fall into place. After I got over my completely confused state I really liked it. I really liked Clarisse's character and i hated it when Mildred was being her annoying self and was just like oh well clarisse is dead like she didn't care and yeah I guess it's true that they don't care when people die but when Mildred said that it just made everything all the more worse because it's Mildred. I'm still a little confused about Guy reading though because he had that book under his pillow, although when he was taking all of those books out of the vent thing he acted as though he had never read them, and apparently he had been reading since before he knew Clarisse so how did that work? Then back with the Clarisse dieing thing I was so confused on if she actually died or not. Also I really can't stand not knowing the exact reason of why Beaty killed her and I don't know it just makes me so flustered and confused! Then about the Mildred taking sleeping pills I never really knew if Mildred was trying to kill herself which was what i ausumed of if she didn't mean to. I really did like the book though it's kind of fun when they just leave you hang and also i'm one of those people who would totally die if I didn't have books so I find it really interestig and different. I also love the wat Bradbury writes. He is so good!

Anonymous said...

So far Fahrenhit 451 has had a huge effect on me. Before I read this book I just guessed that life without books really wouldn't be that different. Now that I have read it, it makes me think about how we today take knowledge for granit. I still wouunder why montag hasen't devorced his wife? Mabe its not legal. I also wonder he told his wife about the books he stole and is going to read. I think she will tell Captain Beatty on him. I would like to know were Clarisse really. I just have a feeling that she didn't really die . I also won't to know if Ray Bradbury is imply that in the future everyone is crazy and a little off. I think that because in tthe story so far theres only about two characters who are in normal and who seem to think for themself. Those two people are Montag and Clarisse. How can they both keep there ablity to think for themself in the society they live in?

Anonymous said...

In the first part of the story it seems everyone thinks that it was somewhat confusing. I think it was realatively hard to comprehend also, but the parts that I could understand, was pretty good. Some people think that Montag's wife may be crazy. I think a lot of people just don't understand her so that is what they think. I wish that the assignment that you gave us could have been a little longer because at the end of the first part it leaves you at such a cliff hanger!!

Anonymous said...

Great blogs! I am really excited that most of you are enjoying this book. All of your questions will be answered. Keep throwing your thoughts out there and make sure you are reading each other's blogs. I believe some of your quesitons have already been answered by your peers. Hint: Be sure to proofread your blogs before posting! You are being graded on grammar! Remember?

Anonymous said...

The part 1 was so confusing at first but then it started making sense.I was kind of afriad that Guy was going to get caught with his books by Beatty.