Friday, November 14, 2008

The Power of the Written Word

The world in F. 451 is populated by non-readers and non-thinkers, people with no sense of their history, where a totalitarian government has banned the written word." (Pg. 3 Steppen Wolf Study Guide.) The role of the firefighters is not to put out fires, but instead to burn the pages that hold history, knowledge and wisdom.

For your comment, I want you to consider the power of books. Why would Guy's society burn books? Who gets to decide what goes into books? Why do people read them? When does freedom of speech come into play?

Find quotes and research to support your comment. Find historical instances where books were burned, or when books were used to communicate a message against the governement. Think about the election that just occured, is the written word having an affect over it? Look through the introductions of F. 451 to find what Ray Bradbury says about books. Read what classic authors say about the importance of literature. Make sure you credit your sources!
Mrs. Barnes had an interesting post a few weeks ago about reading that might help you as you write your comment. You can find it at this link:

Post a response to these questios by 1st hour on Monday, November 17!


Anonymous said...

Well, I think that maybe Guy's society would not like books is maybe thay can not read. Or they could not like something that happened in the book and burned because it was not the ending they wanted.
I think that the head firefighter gets to decide what goes into books, because he is the one that burns them and if he doesn't like it then he could burn someone's book. If he did like it then he wouldn't burn it
The reason that I think that people read books is because they want to gain more knowledge. Or they could happen to like reading. It might be enjoyable to them.
Freedom of speech comes into books when they get to write what they want. They get to choose their own topic even if it offences some people.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy’s society burns books because they don’t want society to know what is really going on. The government is just so bad that they have to demolish any evidence of a better one. The government doesn’t want people to realize how bad the world is and try to over run. The world is in war and it is unbelievable that people just sit by and watch. Clarisse is so smart because she actually reads. People don’t read books anymore because the law made it illegal so the world won’t know how good the world can be.

Anonymous said...

Books give us great knowledge and with that knowledge comes power. The power to understand the world around you. This could be why the firefighters burned books. Maybe the government didn't want people to understand the world around them.
The head of the government probably decides what goes into books. This is because that person is the one who doesn't want people getting any smarter. If the head of the government decided what went into books, they could brainwash the people even more than they already have. Freedom of speech wouldn't come into play because the government probably burned the Constitution.
The burning of books in this story is very much like when Adolf Hitler and the Nazis burned books. Maybe in the 24th century the Nazi's came back into power.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

umm... im sorry I didnt post this earlier but, I thought it was illegal to read, so why would people make books? i`ll be on here for a while so ms. constant plz answer... or not. Are you going to make a blog where you can ask questions?

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books because the government doesn't want people to start thinking that there are better places than where they are at right now. The government wants people to be happy with what they have, and not to seek happier places.
I think the government decides what goes in books because if they're going to burn and waste paper, then they should make books that aren't happy, and make people think.
People read books because it takes them to places unheard of and makes them think and wonder. Some people probably like all the thinking.
Freedom of speech is displayed in books because the author is giving his opinion about something or someone. The author gets to voice what he believes in through writing.

Anonymous said...

Guys society might burn books because they don't want people to quit there jobs in search of a better place.

Anonymous said...

Spook took the words right out of my mouth. As soon as I read that we should find historical instances were books were burned I thought of Indians Jones. One of the movies shows Hitler burning books and Nazis cheering for him. I think Guy's society burns books because they do not agree with some of the subjects, the subjects upset them. I think the government decides what goes into the books. The government doesn't seem very intact though. When the bombers came over Guy's house he wasn't scared. he didn't even care. If the government cared at all there probably would have been a warning siren to tell them to get to a safe area. The one thing that messes up my idea is that everything seems to get done that needs to be done. There are still medical people (even if they are busy all the time dealing with problems) and fire fighters to burn books. People read books now for enjoyment and to gain knowledge. In the book some people probably read just because they are wondering why they are so bad that they should be burned. In this book freedom of speech doesn't seem to come into place. Burning the books might be a type of freedom of speech. Maybe the people are the ones who wanted the books to burn. Even if some don't agree with it maybe the majority was for it. The people in this book seem like little children who don't know anything. I think they are scared of the knowledge in books. It is so sad. Clarisse and her family are like adults living in a lost, crazy world of children. None of the people understand the saying "knowledge is power". The election that just took place was effected by written words. The presses and newspapers seemed to favor Barrack Obama over John McCain. People might of red more about Barrack Obama and felt like they knew him better. That could be a reason the majority of votes fell to him. I am really enjoying reading this book. It really is making me think.

Anonymous said...

I think that the society in the book wants to destroy the books, because they think books don't get the satisfaction for people.
What Ray is saying is that people are paying attention to TV’s instead of books. He's saying that we need to pay attention to books, because they contain information for the mind and it gives you a chance to visualize the scenes, characters, and objects, instead of watching it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both Spook and Rainy.

I understand that it is illegal to read fictional books in Guy Montag's society, and I believe that they do not want the people to seek a better life, so his fire department burns all evidence that it is acceptable to want/have original thoughts about how the people live now, so they don't seek anything better. In doing this, all remains of individuality seems to vanish from the population. Looking back into history, Adolph Hitler wanted a society where every being were exactly the same; perfect as he would put it. To obtain this, he burned the books of Jews to take away the want to be different; to take things further, he killed them. Guy Montag is doing a similar act. He and his fellow firemen destroy books that make people think differently from each other, that give them some idea of how life could be, should be. Though in my opinion, making the people illiterates does not mean that they are not capable of thought. Clarisse, for example, I suspect that she herself was once a very veracious reader, but the law stopped her from reading. So she chose to focus her mind on the world based on her readings. She sees things on the moon that she once read about, she knows things about early morning; dewy grass; that she must have learned from being a curious person and roaming the unknown that every other person in her world were to afraid to explore. In this frightened, crazy, mixed up world that the firemen have created, there is no such thing as freedom of speech. When Mildred was reading the script, she was reading and repeating was what some other loon told her to say. The news reporters on the so called sacred televisions must have scripts too, which makes me wonder: who writes the script? It seems that the person who writes when the people on television say is the only being with the power to say what they feel, and what they feel is in turn forced to be thoughts of everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society burns books because they are afraid. Afraid that they might be overcome by knowledge and wisdom. I think that only the people who actually read books understand how truly special it is. Also I think that is the president who decides whether to burn books or not. It seems in this world, the government is more of a dictatorship then a democracy. Another thing is that I think there might be a supreme chief or head fireman that commands the stations across the country. I think also there might be a secret writer or writers that still write books and circulate them throughout the many people who read. People read to understand things and learn about the world. In this story I think that freedom of speech comes in actually speaking rather than writing. People can and should stand up for what they believe.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books becuse, they don't want people to know anything about the past. They also feel that if everyone reads they'll feel bored about living were and how they live, and they'll want to change the way that their living. If they read books they will develop imagination to make them go further in life, and do things that they never would've done before. The society feels that noone needs the knowledge that you get from books. They believe that the past is the past, and here is now so noone needs to know anything,no questions asked.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books becuse, they don't want people to know anything about the past. They also feel that if everyone reads they'll feel bored about living were and how they live, and they'll want to change the way that their living. If they read books they will develop imagination to make them go further in life, and do things that they never would've done before. The society feels that noone needs the knowledge that you get from books. They believe that the past is the past, and here is now so noone needs to know anything,no questions asked. People are supposed to read to gain knowledge and power. The firefighters and government have no decision. Shouldn't the writer of the book be able to decide wether to burn the book or not? why were books written if they were not meant to be read. Maybe the society feels that the power and knowledge of books is to much for the citizens to handle right at this exact time, point, and place.

Anonymous said...

I agree with pretty hippo I think Guy's society hates books because they can't read to. I believe this because why don't they take some back to the firehouse to read.

I think the power of words is to give you entertainment that is intereting besides T.V.

The captain of the firehouse gets to choose what goes into the books because he has more authority then anyone else.

People read books to gain knowledge of maybe what's to come or what to expect in the future.

Freedom of speech comes into play when people say of what they feel like when the firemen burn there books. Most people say they are afraid of the firemen but I don't think they really are.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society burns books because the government is trying to erase the history. They are trying to cover up the past so that the society won't know what happened and try to rebel against the government.
People read books for entertainment, and just for fun. I think the government is trying to brainwash the people to think that fire fighters always burned books. The government doesn't want the people to know what life was like back in the days and is trying to cause everyone to believe that living the same life day after day is normal.
Those who think there is something wrong with the way are they are living are known as crazy.
I think that as dingo66 said the government decides what goes into books so that they can control what the people know and are learning.

Anonymous said...

I think that in Guy's society they dont want people to read books or anything for that matter because they want technology to be the only resorse. They may fear that with books people could get to smart and they may out smart the govornment. They may fears that people may figure out how to crack the governments code. I agree with prettyhippo and think that the head fireman may decide what goes into books or is apart of the decideing process. At the same time i quetion if he really does decide because why would someone who hates books and loves to burn them want to write them? I think the freedom of speech is how people can walk down streets minding there own business or talking to there friend and say how they don't like the fact that they can't read books. But i also think they don't have ask much freedom as they should have because they can't protest like we can now.

Anonymous said...

I believe Guy's society burns books because people feel like they can enter different worlds when they're reading books. Say they were to read a non-fiction book, then the goverment might feel the people reading books would over throw the goverment, so they take the knowledge which means taking books away too.

The people of the nation decide what to put into books. That's why the goverment fears people reading because if someone publishes something that says bad things about the goverment, and everyone in the nation reads/believes it, the goverment could be over thrown.

Freedom of speech ties in with making books. Anyone can say what they want to in books, so if the goverment is taking away books, then they're technically taking away freedom of speech. this is why some people would rebel against a law stating "you cn not read books."

Anonymous said...

Guy's society has decided to burn books because as you resd a book you can enter into new realms. The government there belives that if they do so they wont find pleasure or won't like what they have and rebel against them.

The government is controling what is in the book, such as the sircumstance where the booksaid that burning books started in 1790 and that Benjamin Franklin was the first fireman.

Peole read books because of the exiting life they can live aside their regular one. They can travle to marvelous places or meet extrordinary people. All while staying in the comfort of their own house, or for students, desk.

Freedom of speech comes into play when the writer is able to share their true feelings about something, even if it is offencive to the reader or government. This freedom also occours when the writer says a secret someoene, something or agroup of people, such as the government, is trying to hide.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guys society would burn books because it is illegal to read them. They are illegal because the authors may put something in the book that someone may not like and they would get really upset. They could try to hurt the author ar get angry. Authors decide what goes in books. They decide what goes into books because they write them. The publishers also kind of decide because they check the book and make changes. People read books for enjoyment and to entertain themselves. They also read books to find out things. In the future freedom of speech may not come in as much as it does now. The government may be alot more strict.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy’s society would burn books because they themselves don’t know how to read. Also they think all they need to know the television will tell or teach them. Finally, I think they don’t want people to express imagination or their own creativity, which they get from reading books. The author/writer decides what goes into books. Books are a way an author or anyone else can express themselves in thoughts or feelings. Maybe they wrote a book about their opinion on something or just for the entertainment of others. People read books for many reasons. One reason is some books contain interesting or important facts. Another reason is just for fun. People develop imagination from reading books. Also some people read books to let the time pass bye. Students have to read books if their doing research for a paper. You need to know how to read if you need to get a recipe out of cookbook. The point is people read for numerous reasons. Freedom of speech comes into play when a writer expresses their thoughts or opinions through their writings. Freedom of speech also comes into play when you read something in a book and feel like you need to go do or say something about the topic you just read. These are my thoughts about this week’s question.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society burned books so people would not have to learn about the bad things in history. When you burn books it erases all the memories of what has happened and eventually people who were there and witnessed it die. Also they could have burned them so people couldn't get smarter and become a threat to the government. People read books so they can understand more about things or to escape to their own fantasy land. You can gain knowledge from books or you could get ideas of stuff that can't happen. Maybe people burned books so no one would get a crazy idea from them. With freedom of speech people are allowed to write what they want and not care if it bothers other people. That should mean that should be able to read what you want too. You could also choose not to read at all.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books because the government might not be able to read, so they don't want the society gaining power over them by having the ability to read.
Like spook said, I think the head government gets to decide what goes into books because they are the ones who decide on laws. I also think this because while I was reading there were five rules the firefighters had to follow. I think the head government decided on the five rules because if the firefighters got to choose, it would probably be more complicated than the five rules they've been given.
I think people read books because they not only want to gain knowledge, but they want something entertaining besides TV that they can take with them almost anywhere with them.
Freedom of speech comes into play in books when the author begins writing the novel. No matter what people say, the author finds a way to create his own unique way of describing things in his or her books. Whether it's a horror book, or a mystery book, the author always has his or her own way of describing what they want in their stories.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books because the government doesn't want people to focus on the problems ahead and so everyone is pretty much brain washed. I think that Clarisse is the only one who ses the real problem and is thinking clearly. She was the one who said that everyone always talked about the same thing all the time. So, yeah, I think that the government is behind all of this Clarisse even mentioned that in school they have a T.V. class!
Well authors get to decide what go into books (I guess the editors also have a say in what goes into the books we read, too).
People read book because they can take you to a whole other realm where anything could happen. At least that's why I read books along with other reasons. Books give you something to do and it's a whole lot better than watching T.V.
As far as freedom of speech goes I think authors have the rights to express their feelings as long as they don't mean to purposely offend other people. It's even one of the rights people have (I think).

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society burns books because they may find reading to be unnecessary because there is so much technology in his time period that reading takes too long and digging for the information is useless when you can just have it pop up by the touch of a button. Not only do I think this, but Guy and his fellow firefighters may not be able to read and are embarassed because of that problem. Since they are embarassed, they may want to get rid of all that they cannot read, so no one will ask them to read something.
I think that in Farenheit 451 the government decides what can and cannot go into books. I think this because if they decide what goes into the books, then it is okay because they make the laws.
In this novel, people don't read books. Currently, I think that people read books because they want to know something, they are told to by teachers, or they just want to relax with a good one that they can read just for fun. We also have to read things like manuals that contain directions to help use or put something together.
Freedom of speech comes into play when writing is for opinionated purposes. For instance, we all know that the election was just weeks ago. If you think about it, how many people do you think have written opinionated documents for that election? When I think about it, our own candidates wrote so many opinions on each other that they forgot to write about themselves. Now that I have written this comment, I personally believe that freedom of speech is always in play. I believe it never stops to rest because rumors are always being spread whether it's in secret or being announced to the whole world.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, it's very unlikely that the government would resort to burning books to hide the truth from society. What most people are confused about(or not) is that "society" does not burn the books because they don't want to know "the truth". The people are probably tricked into thinking that books and knowledge are bad for them. If they knew that the ability to read would bring knowledge n' stuff they WOULD'NT BURN THEM INTO A FIERY CRISP. Do you think that the government would say "It's scary to learn new things and be smarter, so we'll leave it up to you and your opinion to fear this" Or "for your own protection, we not only ban books, but we are forced to destroy them?" They are made to believe that books are bad. The entire population doesn't collectively think that these strange books contain horrible least not without the help of the government. Plus, not everybody must feel this way. There must be some skeptics. That's why the government kept people wrapped up in large, flat-screened TVs.
My guess is that now, the government doesn't have the power to censor books. The government probably doesn't have the power to do what they did in Guy's world, though. But if they took away books-pure "knowledge"-the government would have immense power over the illiterate citizens. It's most likely that some, however, would continue to break the law and read. I have one question, though: why do they burn the books? They could recycle, or something...
Summary: Guy, along with virtually everyone else, take books as horrible things at the amusement of the now-powerful government.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with spook and pre-t-tite! i really need to post sooner so i can write what i think in my own words! i will next time.

Anonymous said...

also i think front row joe is mostly right but i think by telling them they are protecting them they are hiding something. however i think most everyone was right in thinking they dont want people to have more power over "them." i am really just going to keep my mind open to new theoreys and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

From the story Farenheit 451, I believe that Guy Montag's government is trying to control all that people do or see. They don't want a person's freedom of speech to contradict their actions, or they don't want a started rebellion. The power of books leads this plot along until the end. When the firefighters burn books, its only the government controlling the average person's interactions in life. If any new books are created, the government would make sure they put exactally what is needed in them to stabalize the intelligence of its nation. When people read books without the acceptance from the government, the person reading becomes smarter relatively faster.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society burns books because they don't want anyone to get smarter and want more. I think people read books to be entertained and when you read a book you're inspired to do something or want something.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society cant read so they're mad and jealous. So they think if they cant read then no one should be allowed to read, so they go out and burn books.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society burns books because they don't want the society to know whats going on. The government is really bad and that they don't want people to quit their jobs in search of a better place.Also they could just be afraid.

Anonymous said...

I think that Guy's society would want to burn books because they didn't want the people to become more powerful and smarter. I also think that by not having people be able to read they couldn't get facts so everyone would think they same and have the same skewed view. For example the Presidential Election. If we couldn't have read quotes and dialouges from conferences and meetings the outcome of the race could have been different. Also when I read 25-40 Clarisse talked about how her friends had been shot and killed. People (government) might have wanted it to be that way and if people like Clarisse could have read about history and things similar to it they would have been able to see what a more perfect community and place the world was.

Anonymous said...

I think Guy's society would burn books because if people read books they would think and the government thought if they think the people would realize that there was a war going on or problems with society or things like that also I think the government decides what would go into the books because if they controlled what people read then they could control how they thought but soon the government realized that reading makes people think so they banned reading and that is why fire men burn books.

Anonymous said...

i think that the reason why the firefighters are burnning books is that they are just doing there daily job. but what they dont know is that the government is wanting these books to be burned so that the world stays the exact same and there are no changes, and people cant get ideas of inventing,creating,or doing new things

Anonymous said...

In continuation to my earlier post/thoughts...

Think about this...

When Adolph Hitler and the Nazi's burned books, they didn't want the Jews to believe any differently or worship differently. So in Guy Montag's society, what happened to all the religion? ...The Christianity, the Judaism, Islam, everything? Does the government also not want people to read about history because they will see that there are more religious ways to go about life as well? So the people will not seek a better life and to reach this by prayer and belief in God?

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree with obediaisyohomegirl! Adolf Hitler is a great example! Would that mean they would burn the Holy Book (depending on which religion the person is)?

Anonymous said...

You are all doing great with these comments! I love reading about how you are connecting history with Guy Montag's world. Keep it up!

ich heiβ Mountain Drew said...

Books are quite important from my point of view. I think Guy's society burns books because ignorance is (what seems to be) the key to a controlled country and when you keep people ignorant a lot of people accept that and dont think about it but in truth, a lot of people do start to wonder. This is somewhat like communism, in that Guy's society is trying to control and keep everyone equal. The people who rebel get eliminated and most people accept it. Ignorance is the key, but the intellegent rebel.

Anonymous said...

I think Guys society burns books because the government probably has a secret as to why they do.They probably dont want the citizens to have more sense in them and figure it out.
I think that the head firfighters get to decide what goes in the books because they dont want the pople to get smarter and realize what is really going on. Or maybe the government would choose. On the other hand they arent very intact with the citizens.
I think people read the books because either they are bored with there same routine or they want more knowledge.TO some it may be enjoyable and fun.
Freedom in speech comes in when pople get to make up their own books and ot to have guidlines as to what they can do.

Anonymous said...

Well when you read a book most of the time in some way or another you end up thinking in a different way. You could get so inspired by the book that you would want to change the world or discovr that everyone is blind and there is a reaso no one can read books. It seems and probably is so that the government is afraid that people will become smarter than them and totally destroy all that is "right". Then again i'm still a little lost so maybe that isn't true or it is and everyone knows it except me because I fell like i'm really missing something.