Monday, December 1, 2008

Hide and Go Seek

Pretend you are in Montag's Situation. What book would you choose to duplicate before returning it? Why is this the most important book in your life? What would your defense be if you were caught?


Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I would want to duplicate the Bible before returning it also. I think the Bible is important because it has great morals in it. Even those who are not religious can learn from it. Montag's society needs morals. If the war ends in his society the Bible would be a good book to give the people direction again. This book is the most important book in my life because it teaches me how to live my life. My defense if I was caught would be that a government official told me to do research on it and read it to see if it can be taken off of the banned book list.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation, I would also choose the bible to duplicate. I would choose the bible because it is an important part of my religon. Another reason I would choose the bible is because it is a holy book that was never intended to be burned. I would also choose the bible because it teaches me how the Earth was created, and who the first people on Earth were and how they effected the way our life is now. I think the bible is the most important book on Earth.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation, I would also choose the bible to duplicate. I would choose the bible because it is an important part of my religon. Another reason I would choose the bible is because it is a holy book that was never intended to be burned. I would also choose the bible because it teaches me how the Earth was created, and who the first people on Earth were and how they effected the way our life is now. I think the bible is the most important book on Earth. My defense if I was caught would be I was told that I could keep a book for twenty four hours before returning it, so I decided to duplicate it because I wanted to read it before letting the fire department burn its story told inside. I would also say that I needed some way, besides preying to contact God.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation i would want to duplicate a book on what life was like before books were burned. I would want something to help me be sane and to know what life was like back in the old days. If i was in his situation i would probably be going insane becuase they never read. I would want to know what life was like, back in the old days. I may also want to duplicate a book like twilight because it is an awesome book and very entertaining. My defense if I was caught would be to say something like i just confiscated this from someone and I am taking it back to the fire station to burn it.

Anonymous said...

Even though my blog is different, I also agree with Turbo411.

If I were to be put in Montag's situation, I would choose to duplicate something of my own writing. I would write down everything I know. All the facts I have learned throughout my life, experiences that I feel need to be shared, thoughts that are so far off that no other being could possibly posses them.

If I were not able to do that, I would choose a book of historical fiction. If i were to do that, then I would still have facts about a time long ago and I would also be keeping a very good story in hand.

To choose a more specific title, I would have to pick "Leonardo's Shadow" or "Madapple".

"Leonardo's Shadow" is one of my favorites because it is in the POV (point of view) of Giacomo; Leonardo Di Vinci's... (For lack of a better word) ...slave. I would choose this book because it has many facts about how things were a long time ago, as well as taking the excitement of creating a fictional character and putting him in the setting of a real life event.

I know I am not giving many details about this book, but I can't really describe WHY this is an amazing book, it just IS. I guess it's like the quote we read today, with what the English professor had said to Montag. He couldn't explain WHY he was alive; he just KNEW that he was.

Back on topic...
"Leonardo's Shadow" is the book I would choose if i were in Montag's shoes. It is a good book, and interesting as well as challenging to read. I would also consider "Madapple" because it is a book that you have to take your time reading. It has so many interesting and thought provoking quotes that your brain can only digest so much of it at once!

There are so many good books to choose to copy, and even more that should never be burned in the first place; in my opinion. So let's hope that our world doesn't come to that, even though Ray Bradbury predicted much about our world today, that this one premonition does not come true.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation, I would duplicate the Bible. The bible would be able to show me what life was like before books were banned. This could help me help the rest of the world. It would be the most important thing in my life because my wife is no longer important to me, and I would start to try to "destroy" the firemen as they are now. If I was caught I would tell Beatty or whoever caught me that I was going to make a copy for the guys down at the firehouse to burn it too.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Montag's situation I would duplicate the bible because it is my religions holy book. This is the most important book in my life because it tells the story pf God's only son Jesus. If I were caught my defense would be my family and other people who have the same thoughts as me. We would tell the firefighters that you could burn all the books in the world except the bible. You only have to save this copy we can share. Please it is our religion's holy book.

Anonymous said...

The book that I would want to duplicate before returning it would be the bible. It is the most important book in my life because it defines christianity. That is important to my family and I.My defense if I were caught would be running. If I didn't know who I loved or why I was made to be on earth, then I would take what I have and go.

Anonymous said...

I think if I were in Montag's position I would duplicate the book "The Lightining Theif". It's not really the most important book in my life. I just like it a lot. My defence for me if I were caught (not that I would) would be that I was simple using the book for informational purposes.

Anonymous said...

If I were to duplicate a book I would duplicate a harry potter book. Its not necessarily the most important book of my life but, I would copy it anyway because it is a good book. If I were caught my defense would be that I was using it to spot the witches and wizards in the world.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation, I would choose to duplicate the book Trouble Don't Last. This is the most important book in my life because it is about two slaves running away to Canada to be free. This story reminds me of knowing that even in the toughest situations, there is always a way out whether it is quick and easy or time consuming. Montag is in a situation that is neither. He has only 24 hours before he has to return the book, so he has to make it short and sweet, but he also has to make sure he did it right which could take time. If I was caught with this book, my defense would be that this really did happen in the past. You may ask, "What if they don't believe you?" Well, in that case, I would tell them that this story is realistic because it is about racism, hope, and faith. You always have to have hope and faith or else you cannot ever believe that you can complete what you choose to do.

Anonymous said...

If i was in Montags' situation I would want to duplicate the dictionary. I would do this because it has all the words you could ever know. Maybe words could be the solution to finding the answer of why poeple burn books.It would increase his knowledge and increase his real understanding about everything.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag`s situation I would duplicate the book “The House of the Scorpion”
I would choose this book because I think it has a great meaning.Here is A summary(

Matt is a young child who is a clone, though he doesn't know it at the beginning of this powerful novel. Set in the future in Dreamland, a drug empire that took over parts of today's Mexico, Matt still has the normal concerns and fears that other children have. He wants friends and the freedom to do what he wants.

Being a clone of the powerful El Patron gives Matt safety that other clones, despised by his world, do not enjoy. Most clones are grown for horrible reasons and their intelligence is removed with a drug at birth. But he has been spared; he is highly intelligent and loves music.

Only a few befriend him: a bodyguard, a cook from the estate, and the daughter of a U.S. Senator who visits the house. Many others taunt and shun him, even some who seemed to be friends. When he has to leave the estate to save his life, new enemies appear.

Like Louis Sachar's HOLES or Lois Lowry's THE GIVER, the suspense in this book will surprise readers at many turns. Scary, evil people are all around Matt. Farmer is a gifted writer who makes this sort of science fiction seems eerily real. No reader will be untouched by this work that won several 2002 awards, including the National Book Award, a Newberry Honor Award, and a Printz Honor Award. Both teens and adults will be quickly drawn into THE HOUSE OF THE SCORPION

I really recommend this book!

This book is important to me because I think it has the meaning not to forget who you truly are and where you come from. If I was caught my defense would be: “I read and duplicated this book because I think it is too good of a book for people to just push away and burn it like it was just trash.”

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation, I would choose to duplicate the Bible before returning it because it is a very important book. This book teaches so many people how to live their lives and I would be content knowing that I was helping mankind by choosing the Bible. It's one of the most important books in my life because I know how powerful it can be and I love to read books about religion(some being controversial), like Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code. I very much agree with rainy on this subject.
Also, if I got away with duplicating the Bible the first time, I don't think I would stop. I know that people would back me up and that would fuel my "ambitions"(in lack of a better word). I would duplicate great works of literature that also teach life lessons and historical books about what life was like before the twenty-fourth century. This is, of course, implying that I would get away with it the first time.
If I were not to get away with duplicating the Bible, I would try every way possible to get out of it. I would probably say that I was just on my way to the fire station to confiscate it. However, if I were to steal a book to duplicate in the first place, I would be fully aware of the possible consequences. If I was not willing to risk being captured or killed, I wouldn't steal the book.
This topic brings up another good point. Would I steal the book, or not? I truly believe that this depends on the situation. I cannot say that I would definitely steal it if I was in Montag's situation because I have not been in it, but I know that my love of books would play a large role in the decision-making part.
So, to fully answer the question, I think that if I were to be caught, I would be aware of any possible consequences beforehand and try the going-to-the-fire station trick. If that didn't work, though, I believe that I would willingly go with the police because I considered all the consequences beforehand.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montags situation, I would choose to dupicate a book that could spark peoples imagination and make them think about what is going on around them. This book could be something like Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. This book is important because it makes you want to read more and look around the world to see if it is anything like the world described in the book. If I were caught, I would ask my captors when the last time they looked around them was. I would ask if they were really happy with the way the world was going. I would also carry around a lighter, so I could say that I was a firefighter, and that I was going to the station to burn the book.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Montag's situation I would want to duplicate the Bible before returning it. This is the most important book in my life because it tells the story of Christianity. This is very important to me. If I were caught my defense would be that I was a fireman and was taking the book to go burn it. No one could argue with me because they would be afraid of me coming to burn their house.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Montag's spot I would choose the bible just because well one obviously for religious reasons and the Bible has a lot of enchantment and inspiring things inside of it. It would give you hope when all hope is gone and just give you something to live for. Well that is if you wer'nt really farmiliar with God and such.
If I was caught with that book I would probably say something like God is written in this book and we must follow him or soething cheesy like that, that probably wouldnt hel the situaion at all.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I don't even think I would have a book. this sounds weird but I really don't have a certain book that I like the most or is my favorite. Many people would choose the bible and I can see why they would do that but I don't go to church so that wouldn't work for me. If I did have a book my defense would be that I was a government official. I think that I could create an identification of some sort to fool anyone who asked me.It might not work but I think that it would be worth it to maintain all of literature.

Anonymous said...

If i wre in Guy's situation, i would choose the bible, because for me the bible is the most important book that i own. I wouls try to copy it down as fast as i can if i were him. but if someone did catch me with the book i would beg that person to read it and take it off the banned list for good.

Anonymous said...

If i were in Montag's situation i would also choose the bible to be duplicated. The bible is very sacred to me because of my religion. The burning of the bible is almost what seems to me like racism, in WW2 the Germans burnt bibles as a celebration, i call that anti-Christian. Being extremely worried about the fact that only a few bibles exist i would definitely choose it. Another thing is that i could spread the word with that duplication. I would infer that most people have never even heard because they are so caught up in day to day life, but i could change that. Start a church and secretly preach. The bible also gives me good morals to live by. The people in this book are neglecting everything that (from my religion) was created. I would stand against that. (going along with what turbo411 said) My defence would be nothing, i would either tell the truth about sticking to my religion or if i had the chance get out of there, but i would never deny my religion. Even if it means death.

Anonymous said...

If I had to duplicate a book I would duplicate Twilight. This book means so much to me and having one of the last copies would be great. This book is important to me because it's my favorite book. I have all four of the books and even though I would have duplicated them all I don't think the directions said I could duplicate more than one book. My defense if I were caught.....that's tricky. I would probably say that someone had be requested that she be burned with a certain book so I copied it for her (I know it sounds far fetched but oh well).

Anonymous said...

If I were in Montag situation the book I would duplicate and then return would be Harry Potter, because I am insane about him. Also my dad had bought me that book before he had passed and it means a lot to me. The consequences would be very drastic. I would be in serious trouble if anyone found out that I still had the book.

Anonymous said...

If I were in Montag's situation, I would duplicate the Dictionary before returning it. This is the most important book in my life, because whenever I need to know something about an object, or what a word means, I can turn to the Dictionary! If I were to be caught reading or even having this book I would say I had found the book at the subway, and I trying to find out who's it was, so I could turn it in to the fire station.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Guy Montag's situation, and I had enough time to duplicate one book, I would also choose the Holy Bible.

The Holy Bible is the most important book in my life because I believe what was written in it to be true. It would help me remember how to live well and how to fairly treat others. If the Bible were to become forgotten in the future, some people would probably create their own views on how the Earth was created. They might also make things up to create a great image of himself for people who could advance said person foreward to a position of authority.

If I was caught, my defence would be that the Holy Bible must stay in existance. This is true because without it we may lose the Christian religion.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag' Situation I would duplicate the bible because it is a very holy book and if I did that Beatty would think that was the last bible and I would be able to read from it because it is such a HUGE book and I think God's word is the most important word!

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I would pick the Bible ,because is the most important book in my life. At some time in my life I would love to read it and not to have it would be unimaginable.The Bible has different life lessons in the different books or chapters. Like in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, God creates the heavens and the Earth.Also, it gives great lessons about being courteous towards others and all kinds of different life lessons to be learned and enforced in the average life. Plus, I'm a Christian, so that's why I would choose the Bible. I also agree with Rainy. My defense would probably be closer to his/hers than most other excuses.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I would duplicate it before returning it also. I am a Christian and that is one of the three most important books to us. I would tell the person that caught me duplicating or reading the book that I was just checking to make sure that books were what they said they were.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montags situation, and i didn't know anything about the past, I would most likely want to duplicate a book about the history/past about my countries so I could learn about what went on that the government is trying to hide.
If someone came to my house, saw the book and asked me what i was doing with it i would act all inocent and be like "WOA, what the heck!!! how did that get there. I have never seen that in my life. You have to believe me!?! someone's trying to frame me!!!"

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I would take the Bible.One reason I choose this is because it's the last copy mabye.Second of all the Bible is a great starting point for their civilization.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly duplicate the Bible if I were in Montag's situation. Why? Well, why not? Duplicating the bible has been a no-brainer among the bloggers, and for good reason. The bible is a great inspiration to many people. Take Samuel Adams, a common name to many Americans. He helped start many revolts against the occupying British in the late 1700s, including the Boston Tea Party. He claimed it was his religious duty to do so. The Bible has kept people
together in harsh times and made the world into the great one we live on. If I was caught, I would simply state that I was a firefighter and that the duplicate was for business purposes. If I was caught by a firefighter, I would say I was going to ask the government to protect it as an important part of history.

Anonymous said...

If I was in Montag's situation I would want to duplicate the Bible. I think that the Bible is the most important because it has great morals in it and also because it is an important part of my religion.

Anonymous said...

There are many books I would choose to duplicate. The one book out of all of them I would duplicate is Calvin and Hobbes. One reason I would choose this is it teaches you life lessons. Second it provokes imagination. Since Calvin pretends his stuffed tiger Hobbes is real. Third it is one of my favorite books, because of all the imaginative adventures. Also it is extremely funny. That’s why it is the most important book in my life. My defense if I was caught would be to run, to just get away. I would run because the government and police would be after me. Not to mention the evil mechanical hound. If they caught me running I would kill the hound and any one with it, because they’re preventing me from reading and imagination.

Anonymous said...

I know that almost everybody has said this but I would duplicate the bible. I would do this for many reasons. My goal for a few years is to read the whole bible. I would read a little bit every night. I would keep it up for a while then quit. I feel like I need to. I also think it is the best book written. It’s history, and the life of the world’s savior. At least in my opinion. If I was caught I might tell them to get over it. My real excuse would be that if it were burned the world would die. Or I could make up some excuse kind of like that.

Anonymous said...

If i was in Montag's situation i would want to duplicate the world encyclopedia before ruturning it. I would do this because it would give people knowledge of world history. My defense if i were caught would be that my professor told me it was the most important factor for my career.

Anonymous said...

If I was Montag I would duplicate a book thats long and can be read over again and again, rather than a book thats short and boring.

constant said...
